When hair accumulates in your drainage system, it can cause several issues– from clogged showers to smelly bathrooms. It’s important to take preventative measures to ensure that your hair doesn’t get caught up in your pipes, and the good news is that you don’t have to break the bank to do it. You can take a few simple steps to keep your hair out of the drain and your pipes clear of clogs.

Keep Hair Out of the Shower

The first step to preventing hair from clogging up your pipes is to keep it out of the shower in the first place. Place a drain catcher over the drain in your shower to catch the hair before it gets into the pipes. This will help keep your pipes clear and your shower clean.

Use Natural Hair Care Products

Using natural hair care products can help reduce the amount of hair that gets washed down the drain. Natural products are less likely to contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that can build up on the walls of your pipes and cause clogs.

Clean Your Drains Regularly

Cleaning your drains on a regular basis can help keep hair and other debris from accumulating in your pipes. Use a natural cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clean your drains and remove any built-up residue.

If you do have a clogged drain, it's best to use a natural drain cleaner. Chemical drain cleaners can damage your pipes and are not effective at cleaning all types of clogs. Instead, try using a natural drain cleaner like boiling water or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.

Install a Mesh Hair Trap

Installing a mesh hair trap in your shower or bathtub effectively stops hair from entering your pipes. The mesh hair trap is designed to catch the hair before it gets into the drain, helping to keep your pipes clear and your shower clean.

Be Careful What You Flush

Hair, cotton swabs, dental floss and other items can easily get caught up in your pipes and cause clogs. Make sure to dispose of these items properly to avoid plumbing problems. 

Replace Your Drains

If you’ve been dealing with many hair clogs, it may be time to replace your drains. Old plumbing fixtures can become warped over time, making it easier for hair to get caught in the pipes. Replacing your drains with new ones can help to keep your plumbing system clear of clogs.

Clean Your Shower Area Regularly

Cleaning your shower area regularly can help to prevent hair clogs. Make sure to clean your shower walls and floors after each use to remove any hair that may have been left behind. You should also use a drain cover or strainer to catch any hair before it has the chance to travel down the drain. Shop the top selling drain hair catchers on the market: Shop Now

Check Your Pipes Regularly

Inspecting your pipes regularly is important to ensure there are no clogs or leaks. If you notice any signs of clogs or leaks, contact a plumber right away.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, hair-clogged drains can be a hassle, and it is best to take care of them before it is too late. Taking preventative measures such as installing a hair catcher in the shower, using a drain snake regularly, and cleaning out the drain pipes regularly will help to prevent clogs from forming. Furthermore, if you have a clogged drain, it is important to address the issue quickly to avoid costly repairs and the potential for a plumbing emergency. Taking the time to take care of your hair in the drain pipes can save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

Do you need help with hair in the drain? The Shroom Company offers TubShroom, the world’s best minimalist strainer. Get yours now!

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