Having a clogged kitchen drain is not only frustrating but also a potential health hazard. Aside from the mess and irritation, it can also lead to other problems, including bad smells and health hazards. To avoid this from happening, here are some simple tips:

Limit How Often You Use the Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are a handy tool for making short work of food waste. Truth be told, we waste food every day. However, disposing of food wastes every day makes the pipes more clogged. The rule of thumb is to avoid putting more down the disposal than you could reasonably swallow.

Rinse Food Scraps Before Throwing Them Down the Garbage Disposal

When you rinse off your food scraps, the clog is less likely to form in your drain pipes. It’s because the food scraps will wash right down the drain. If you did not do this, it would end up in the garbage disposal, where the clog will form in the first place.

Keep the Water Running While Using the Garbage Disposal

The garbage disposal’s primary purpose is to grind food waste into tiny particles easily washed away down your kitchen drain. If you turn it on immediately and leave it alone for some time, the water running down the drain has no way of washing away the particles.

Don’t Put Grease Down the Drain

Grease and oil are two of the thickest substances your kitchen is likely to encounter. When you put them down the drain, they will form clogs in the drain. The best thing to do is cook your food without grease and fats or use the trash can.

Clean the Drain Regularly

You don’t have to wait until the drain is clogged. You should clean it regularly. If you don’t, the buildup will clog the drain, making the drains smell and the sink easily clogged.

Clean the Garbage Disposal Regularly

A garbage disposal unit is a convenient way to get rid of food waste, but it also serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. You should clean your unit regularly to ensure that the buildup doesn’t clog the drain.

Try Not to Let the Water Sit in the Sink

You may not realize it, but water left to sit in the sink can cause many problems, including a clogged drain. The water can leave behind food debris, and the debris can clog the drain.

Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals in the Drain

There are a lot of chemicals that claim to be able to unclog the drain. However, do you really need to use them? In most cases, your drain will not be clogged and will work fine.

Avoid Putting Unnecessary Things Down the Drain

Don’t just put things down the drain. Put only things that are intended to be flushed down the drain. Otherwise, you’ll find that your drains clog up frequently.

Use a Drain Cover

A drain cover is a great way to keep debris and blockages from getting down your drain. They are inexpensive and easy to install. Just put them on the opening of your drain and let the water flow freely through.


Clogged kitchen drains cause a lot of frustration. For some people, it’s a daily occurrence. With these tips and some effort on your part, you can stop kitchen drain clogs before they happen. It just takes a little bit of effort and proper care for the pipes.

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